Department of Technology and Society

EST625 Advanced Science, Technology, Innovation Policy

Guest Lecture

Science, Policy, Politics, and Money

Dr. Patrick Looney

Host: Michael DePhillips

1:15pm, March 31, 2022


Bio: J. Patrick Looney was named the Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Technology Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory in July 2010. From 2005-2010, he was the Assistant Laboratory Director for Policy and Planning at BNL. Prior to joining BNL, Dr. Looney was the Assistant Laboratory Director for Physical Sciences and Engineering at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). At OSTP, he had broad responsibility for policy and program coordination for research funded by the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and NASA. At OSTP, he worked with decision makers across the Federal Government and with leaders in the scientific and business communities to coordinate policy development. Dr. Looney began his research career at the National Institute of Standards and Technology where he was a member of the technical staff, developing and applying emerging measurement capabilities. He has a PhD in Physics from Penn State and is a Fellow of the AVS Science and Technology Society. Dr. Looney has broad experience in research program development, and energy research planning. 

Recommended readings:

White House. National Strategic Overview for Research and Development Infrastructure.

A 21st Century Frontier of Discovery: The Physics of the Universe. A Strategic Plan for Federal Research at the Intersection of Physics and Astronomy.