Principal Investigator

Dr. Gang He , Assistant Professor, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York  

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Kaifang Luo (Ph.D. in Public Policy, University of Maryland)

Master's Students

Nicolo Antonucci (MPA, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs)

Kately Arriaga (MPA, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs)

Doctoral Students

Guilherme Larangeira (Stony Brook University, GEM Fellowship; Turner Fellowship; ARPA-E 2022 Summer Intern)

Dr. Mekyung Lee (TPI Ph.D.,  2019, Stony Brook University; Dissertation: A Study on the Effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Energy Technology Innovation and on Evaluation of Innovation Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Wind Power Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology)

Dr. Raphael Apeaning (TPI Ph.D., 2019, Stony Brook University; Co-advised with Dr. Gerald Stokes; Dissertation:  Technological and Socio-economic Feasibility of Climate Mitigation: a Focus on Developing Economies)

Dr. Nabil Haque (TPI Ph.D.,  2020, Stony Brook University; Co-advised with Dr. Gerald Stokes; Dissertation: Approaching Sustainability Transition through Climate Technology Projects: Theoretical Underpinning to Understand Past Efforts and Future Outlook)

On the committee of:

Dr. Mohammed Osman (TPI Ph.D., 2021, Stony Brook University; Dissertation: States and Carbon: A Look Ahead)

Dr. Liqun Peng (STEP Ph.D., 2023, Princeton University; Dissertation: Evaluating Low-carbon Technology Deployment Policies to Accelerate the Decarbonization of China's Energy System)

Dr. Yiyi Wang (TPI Ph.D., 2021, Stony Brook University; Dissertation: Encouraging Eco-Driving Behavior: Driver Response to Different Types of In-Vehicle Eco-Driving Feedback)

Dr. Haozhe Yang (Ph.D., 2024, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dissertation: Socioeconomic challenges and opportunities in the low-carbon transition of the energy system)

Dr. Xin Yue (TPI Ph.D.,  2018, Stony Brook University; Dissertation: Influences of Government Championship on the Technology Innovation Process at the Project-level)

Project Intern/Associate

Yun Li, Fall 2023

Yuang Chen, Spring 2022

Naicheng Xu, Summer 2020

Daniene Byrne, Spring 2019

Visiting Scholars and Students

Dr. BAI Hongtao, Associate Professor, Nankai University. September 2016 - August 2017

DU Yunfei, Ph.D. Candidate, Beijing Institute of Technology. September 2017 - September 2018

GUO Shengjie, Undergraduate, School of Environment, Tsinghua University. Summer 2017

HUI Jingxuan, Ph.D. Candidate, Tsinghua University. February 2017 - August 2017.

LI Haoran, Ph.D. Candidate, Tsinghua University. October 2019 - March 2020.

Dr. LI Yanmei, Associate Professor, North China Electric Power University. September 2017 - September 2018

Murilo Augusto Baldasso E Souza, Undergraduate, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil/California State University, Northridge. Summer 2016

NIE Dan, Ph.D. Candidate, North China Electric Power University. August 2017 - August 2018

Dr. SUN Qian, Associate Professor, Hunan City University. January 2017 - January 2018

Matheus Langendyk Proenca, Undergraduate, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil/California State University, Northridge. Summer 2016

QIN Chao, Ph.D. Candidate, North China Electric Power University. October 2018 - September 2019

Dr. TAN Xiujie, Lecturer, Wuhan University. June 2018 - August 2018

Dr. TANG Liwei, Lecturer, College of Mathematics and Statistics, Hunan Normal University. September 2019 - August 2020

ZHANG Junfeng, Ph.D. Candidate, Beihang University. February 2017 - August 2017. 

Dr. ZHANG Tao, Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum. August 2017 - August 2018

ZHANG Wenhua, Ph.D. Candidate, North China Electric Power University. October 2019 - September 2020

ZOU Hongyang, Ph.D. Candidate, Tianjin University. October 2018 - September 2019

* Work title and affiliation are at the time of visiting.